Creative Writing Courses

Spring 2025 Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses Offered
- [This Course Cancelled for SPRING 2025] CW 160-01 Intro to Creative Writing M/W 1:30-3:10pm Zenia Hashem Beck
- An introduction to writing Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Playwriting.
- An introduction to writing Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry, and Playwriting.
- CW 260 Visiting Writer Series Weds. 7:30pm Chris Feliciano Arnold
- A two credit class where students attend talks given by published authors.
- A two credit class where students attend talks given by published authors.
- CW 360 Poetry Workshop T/Th 1:30-3:10pm Rachel Richardson
- This workshop focuses on essential craft elements of poetry, including audience, diction, imagery, rhythm, voice, form, and revision. Includes close readings of published work, and work by peers, as well as an introduction to workshop techniques: how to critique peer work effectively, and how to utilize critique in revision and future writing.
- Pre-Requisite CW 160 or ENGL 160/25.
- Pre-Requisite CW 160 or ENGL 160/25.
- This workshop focuses on essential craft elements of poetry, including audience, diction, imagery, rhythm, voice, form, and revision. Includes close readings of published work, and work by peers, as well as an introduction to workshop techniques: how to critique peer work effectively, and how to utilize critique in revision and future writing.
- CW 462 Advanced Fiction Workshop M/W 1:30-3:10pm Marilyn Abildskov
- This workshop focuses on the writing of short stories and novels, and features intensive discussion of student work and assigned readings.
- CW 160 and one of CW 360, CW 361, CW 362, or CW 363; Minimum grade C-.
- CW 160 and one of CW 360, CW 361, CW 362, or CW 363; Minimum grade C-.
- This workshop focuses on the writing of short stories and novels, and features intensive discussion of student work and assigned readings.
- The Following is a list of all Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses:
- 160: Creative Writing: Multi-Genre Studies
- 260: Visiting Writer Series
- 360: Poetry Workshop
- 361: Dramatic and Cinematic Arts Workshop
- 362: Fiction Workshop
- 363: Nonfiction Workshop
- 460: Advanced Poetry Workshop
- 461: Advanced Dramatic and Cinematic Arts Workshop
- 462: Advanced Fiction Workshop
- 463: Advanced Nonfiction Workshop
- 496: Creative Writing Capstone
For a list of English course offering click the following link